PIWI Summit, Montag/Monday/Lunedi, 8. April Start 18 Uhr (central european time zone) for Italian and English - please see below
Liebe Mitglieder dies ist eine kurze Erinnerung und wir hoffen, dass Sie an unserem PIWI-Gipfel teilnehmen können. Die Themen sind sehr interessant - wir haben zwei Referenten, die über Pflanzenschutz sprechen, Sabrina Dreisiebner-Lanz aus Österreich und Davide Genovese aus Italien. Beide sind auf ihrem Gebiet hoch angesehen und arbeiten viel mit PIWI-Kellereien zusammen. Unser dritter Redner ist Jorge Böhm, ein deutscher Önologe, der in Portugal lebt und arbeitet und über die Züchtung und den Anbau von pilzresistenten Trauben in Portugal sprechen wird. Bitte folgen Sie dem untenstehenden Link zu unserem ZOOM Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86879712269?pwd=ZG4vSUtMR2Q2SC9ZbEMyb09PVW1kdz09
Dear All This is a short reminder and we hope you can join us for our PIWI Summit. The themes are quite interesting – we have two speakers talking about plant protection, Sabrina Dreisiebner-Lanz from Austria and Davide Genovese from Italy. Both are highly respected in their field and work a lot with PIWI wineries. Our third speaker is Jorge Böhm a German oenologist who lives and works in Portugal and who will be talking about the breeding and planting of fungus-resistant grapes in Portugal. Please follow the link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86879712269?pwd=ZG4vSUtMR2Q2SC9ZbEMyb09PVW1kdz09 Cari tutti Questo è un breve promemoria e speriamo che possiate unirvi a noi per il nostro PIWI Summit. I temi sono piuttosto interessanti: abbiamo due relatori che parlano di protezione delle piante, Sabrina Dreisiebner-Lanz dall'Austria e Davide Genovese dall'Italia. Entrambi sono molto stimati nel loro campo e lavorano molto con le cantine PIWI. Il terzo relatore è Jorge Böhm, un enologo tedesco che vive e lavora in Portogallo e che parlerà dell'allevamento e dell'impianto di uve resistenti ai funghi in Portogallo. Seguite il link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86879712269?pwd=ZG4vSUtMR2Q2SC9ZbEMyb09PVW1kdz09
Association International
- 8 April 18:00: PIWI Summit. Registration.
- 15 April: PIWI Germany General Meeting
- 3 – 4 May: PIWI Wines: exploring global perspectives starting from Solaris | Forni di Sotto (UD). Info and registration
- 18 May: PIWI Italy General Assembly
- 7 June: PIWI Austria General Assembly
- 10 - 12 August - PIWI Mebers's trip & Delegates' Meeting - PIWI winery Schloß Rattey
We thank you for your trust and look forward to shaping the future of viticulture together with you! Greetings, Alexander Morandell & PIWI International Board PIWI INTERNATIONAL - FORWARD-LOOKING - AT THE PULSE OF TIME
P.S.: Please share interesting events about topics relevant for our PIWI members with us and write about them at office@piwi-international.org: they will added to our general calender.