Kullabergs_invigning - Photo Mikael Mölstad-klein

Published on November 18, 2022

Categories: Allgemein, Sweden

While the harvest was still in progress, Scandinavia’s most serious investment in wine production was inaugurated – a new winery at Kullabergs Vingård with a capacity for 100.000 bottles per year.

– Beverage is an important part of Skånes gastronomy, and it is important that we have people who dare to invest and work hard, said governor Anneli Hulthén, who cut the blue and yellow ribbon.

The building, planned since 2017 with construction starting exactly two years ago, resembles a typical quadrilateral local farm and, like everything else in the business, has an environmental focus.

– With a frame made of glulam and walls made of solid wood, we live up to our requirements for sustainability, said architect Paulina Berglund, also part of the owner couple behind Kullabergs Vingård.

CEO Victor Dahl confirms that an expansion is necessary. He sees an ever-increasing interest in Swedish wine.

– There is great demand from gastronomy – seven Michelin restaurants have our wines – and a great interest from visitors.

The winery was inaugurated on Friday 21 October. The next day, the last grapes of the year were brought in – into the new building.

– It was a nice harvest of good quality, confirms Victor Dahl, who admits he was a little nervous after the cold and windy spring.

– We mostly have Solaris, Souvignier Gris and Muscaris, but this years first harvest of Pinot Nova and Cabernet Noir looks promising. Good harvest yield and fine quality; it will be fun to follow these grapes.

Sweden has so far focused on white wines, as it has been difficult to achieve a pleasant flavor profile in the blue grapes. But with the new generation of PIWI varieties, other possibilities are provided.

Kullabergs Vingård in the Skåne region is one of Sweden’s largest wine producers with 14 hectares. They only grow PIWI grapes and have a trial field with about 20 varieties to see what works.

The 2021 harvest yielded 30.000 bottles – with the new winery it is possible to produce three times as much.

An issue that engages all Swedish wine producers is farm sales. Today, it is not allowed to sell one’s own wine directly to consumers – it must go through Systembolaget, the Swedish alcohol monopoly. However, the issue has been discussed for many years and after the latest consultation round, the situation looks brighter than for a long time.

As the chairman of the municipal board in Höganäs emphasized at the opening:

– A municipality needs people who dare to invest. It is important for both job opportunities and the hospitality industry.

Lena Sarnholm