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Ecological wine & sparkling wine Norbert Helde
Germany - Baden - Kaiserstuhl

Winery description:
Rich in tradition, ecological, quality-oriented. These three characteristics determine our daily work. We have been operating according to the guidelines of the Bioland Association since 1991. If you want to find out why Helde products taste and are so digestible, the best way to start is in the Jechtingen vineyards. There where a rose blooms under the sign "We work hand in hand with nature", where the spicy scent of flowers and herbs rises in the nose and where there is a buzzing and buzzing in the air. Real “organic land”, as it corresponds to the cultivation association of the same name, to which the Norbert Helde family has been committed since the beginning of the 1990s. A wide range of green areas between the vines create lush habitats for insects and beneficial insects and ensure good ventilation. And very important: a lot of sun comes through, which ultimately emits on the grapes and thus their quality.

Our wines
Muscaris Auslese noble sweet - 2019 - Grand Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Cuveè "fresh greeting" - 2018 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Cuveè "fresh greeting" - 2018 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Muscaris selection noble sweet - 2018 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
White Secco - 2018 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Cabernet Carbon - 2017 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Cabernet Carbon - 2017

PIWI International