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Winery Theos Wein und Gut
Germany - Rheinhessen

Winery description:
Theos WeinundGut is a newly founded winery in 2020, which arose after the dissolution of a GbR. We named it after our son. With 30 years of professional experience, we are practically new to the start. 15 hectares of vineyards in Wintersheim, Uelversheim and Nierstein have been planted with more than 25% of new, resistant grape varieties. We can use it to counter climate change, sustainability and the general social discussion about environmental protection. And the wines of these grape varieties are convincing!

our wines
Sauvignac dry - 2022 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Calardis blanc dry - 2021 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Divico dry - 2021 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Muscaris off-dry - 2021 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Calardis blanc brut - 2020 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Calardis blanc semi-sweet - 2020 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Muscaris Secco - 2020 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Muscaris late harvest - 2020 - Grand Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Calardis blanc - 2019 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR

PIWI International