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Winery Thomas Harteneck
Germany - Baden

Winery description:

We do not produce off-the-shelf wines, but expressive, natural wines that are easy to drink. They are diverse and lively, inspire and surprise, arouse curiosity. The basis for this is our more than twenty years of experience in biodynamic viticulture. We work with nature and according to the strict rules of Demeter.

Our natural wines are hand-picked and fermented with our own yeast. They are not refined, not filtered and contain no added sulfur. Only the fermented juice of the grapes is in the bottle. In the classic line, the wines are also made by hand. They are additionally roughly filtered and contain a very small amount of sulphur. The PetNat & Crémant category uses the ancient "Méthode ancestrale" as well as classic bottle fermentation and long yeast storage. All wines are declared as Baden country wines.

The complexity that nature offers us is reflected in our wines. Everyone is different, everyone is unique, never the same - we all have fun! Craftsmanship and soul combine in harmony with nature ...

our wines
ORANGE CABERNET BLANC - 2020 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Rosé Saignée fruity - 2020 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
PRINCE NOAH PetNat - 2019 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
MYTH WEISS PetNat - 2018 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR

PIWI International