Published on May 24, 2024
From the 08 – 10 August our annual member trip will take place again. This time we will go to the north of Germany with a detour to Poland. Here we will visit the PIWI Winery Schloss Rattey, one of our members, and take day trips to the Baltic Sea, visit the largest PIWI winery in Poland in Baniewice and have plenty of time to exchange ideas with other members of PIWI International.
Costs for members: 350 €
includes bus ride, lunch (Friday & Saturday), dinner (Thursday & Friday, including drinks) and all guided tours; Saturday afternoon or evening is free (each member can bring a companion for the same price)
Costs for non-members: 420 €
Registration for the program is via: office@piwi-international.org
Only the amount paid guarantees a fixed place! We have a total of 40 places - registrations are ranked according to the date they are received.
overnight stay
Overnight stay at Weinwerk (hotel in the castle park):
Single room 85 € with breakfast; double room 115 € with breakfast in the castle park
The rooms in the castle hotel are a little more expensive! (Upon request)
Everyone must make their hotel booking directly with the hotel: office@schlossrattey.de or by phone +49 3968 25500