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Castle estate Hohenbeilstein
Germany - Württemberg

Winery description:
The Hohenbeilstein castle estate has been inextricably linked to the Dippon name since Senior Eberhard Dippon, the descendant of an old vineyard family from the Rems Valley, acquired the property in 1959; In 1991 he handed the winery over to his son Hartmann. The castle estate has been completely converted to controlled organic cultivation since 1994. Out of love for nature and out of responsibility for future generations, says Hartmann Dippon: "Grown on naturally fertile soil, embedded in the life cycle in the vineyard and of moderate measure by itself, the wines come to the unmistakable reflection of their terrain - as you can from top-class plants expected ". The red wines ripen in the cellar, the pride of Hartmann Dippon. He has been to France and New Zealand, but was particularly formative in California for six months, where he got to know the barrique wine. For Hartmann Dippon, the red wine belongs in wooden barrels. Lviv is his special favorite, his line is dry and yet he does not want to give up the slight hint of sweetness that gives this wine that certain fine, round fullness.

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