PIWI Italy association

president Marco Stefanini , Head of the Department of Vine Genetics and Genetic Improvement – Research and Innovation Center of the Edmund Mach Foundation of San Michele all'Adige (TN)

Vice President Riccardo Velasco , Research Director, Center for Viticulture and Oenology (CREA-VE)

PIWI regional councilors

Veneto: Daniele Piccinin , Azienda Agricola Le Carline di Pramaggiore (VE)

South-Tirol: Thomas Niedermayr – Hof Gandberg, Eppan on the Wine Route (BZ)

Trentino: Antonio Gottardi, Cantina La-Vis (TN) – Secretary and Treasurer

Friuli Venezia Giulia: Stefano Gri , Cantina Trezero, Valvasone (PN)

Lombardy: Alessandro Sala , Nove Lune, Cenate Sopra (BG)

Piedmont: PierGuido Ceste , Ceste, Govone (CN)

Contact: info@piwi-italia.it

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