Published on March 1, 2022

PIWI wines are becoming more and more popular and more and more friends of good, sustainable enjoyment are looking for ways to find out about PIWI grape varieties and wines. But where can I get which information? Where can I find out what's new?
The first step in doing this is certainly opting for the Newsletter Sign up from PIWI International and the second is on our channels Facebook, Instagram & Twitter to follow!
... of course, only a small selection of the highlights can be found here.

Wouldn't it be a shame if you missed out on all the exciting promotions and information from our dedicated members?

We have a great tip for everyone who is active on social networks and doesn't want to miss ANYTHING that has to do with PIWIs!

Follow our hashtags on Instagram and Twitter!

We have defined a number of hashtags on different topics:

What does PIWI International or the regional group actually do?

#piwiinternational #piwigermany #piwiswitzerland #piwiaustria #piwialtoadige #piwilombardia #piwifriuli #piwitrentino
#piwiveneto …
Would you like to find out more about the member companies in a regional group or PIWI International?
#memberpiwiinternational #memberpiwigermany  #memberpiwiswitzerland         #memberpiwiaustria  #memberpiwialtoadige …
Are you generally interested in PIWIs and future wines?
#piwi #piwiwine #piwilove #piwiforfuture #piwirocks
Is information about special grape varieties important to you?:
"#" + "piwi" + "grape", e.g. #piwijohanniter, #piwiregent, #piwicabernetblanc
How exactly does it work with PIWIs in cultivation and from the viticulture-technical side?
#sustainable viticulture #neueben #wines of the future #fungusresistantgrape variety #neuebenneedsthecountry
Also about current developments You can stay up to date in non-German-speaking regional groups:
We have given a lot of thought to how we can optimize the exchange of information for our members and all PIWI lovers. 
Incidentally, a workshop held especially for this purpose is available to our members free of charge.
We look forward to your feedback and the exchange with you on social networks!
... because now you know exactly how and where to find us ;)