Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear winemakers,

one of 12 finalists was Saxony-Anhalt LIFE VinEcoS – project for the LIFE AWARDS Nominated in 2022. In addition, you can cast your vote for our project until May 29, 2022 at the link We thank you very much for your support. You are welcome to share the link.

The background to the already completed LIFE VinEcoS project was the global climate crisis, which also affects the Saale-Unstrut wine-growing region. The Landgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt, the Landesweingut Kloster Pforta, the JENA-GEOS® engineering office and the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences had set themselves the goal of significantly increasing biodiversity in the vineyard and thus resilience by greening vineyard lanes with drought-resistant wild plant species to significantly strengthen this ecosystem. Compared to conventional grass seeding, the diverse vegetation ensures more effective protection against erosion and represents less water competition for the vines. The flowering vegetation offers sources of nectar and pollen for wild bees and other beneficial insects and delights winegrowers and those seeking relaxation with the colorful flowering aspect. In another project, LIFE VineAdapt, these findings are currently being successfully implemented in wine-growing regions in Germany, France, Austria and Hungary. More information about the ongoing project can be found at

Best regards

Daniel Elijah

dr Daniel Elijah
Anhalt University
Department of Agriculture, Nutritional Science and Landscape Development
Strenzfelder Allee 28
06406 Bernburg

Telephone: 03471/355-1185, mobile: 0174/8914796
Fax: 03471/355-91185