

The PIWI-CH association

Executive Board

Become a Member

You can find information about our club in our brochure. To register, we ask you to fill out and sign the membership application/bulletin d'adhésion info@piwi-ch.ch to send.

Agenda PIWI-CH

  • Thu-Sat August 8th – 10th, 2024 PIWI International General Meeting, Rattey Castle
  • Tue, 20 August 2024 Vineyard tour, Quinten, Walensee
  • Thu, August 22, 2024 Oenology Conference (Agroscope, WBZW), Schloss Au Conference Centre
  • Mon, August 26, 2024 Swiss wine tasting
  • Sat/Sun 07/08 September 2024 1001 vegetables, market of diversity
  • Tue, December 3rd, 2024 Practitioner day
  • Fri, 14 February 2025 General meeting
  • February 2025 Wine & Dine
  • Thu/Fri 06/07 March 2025 Vines of the future and wines of the future, BBZN Hohenrain

AGROVINA press report

Agrovina 2022 - the balance sheet is mixed

After the leading Swiss trade fair for fruit and wine growing, which takes place every two years, was postponed from January to April due to the corona virus, a drop in visitors and exhibitors had to be expected. Now the fair took place from April 5th to 7th. We look back.

Agrovina in Martigny (VS) opened its doors for the 14th time. According to the organizers, around 12,500 visitors visited the 150 exhibitors at this year's Agrovina. If you look at the numbers, you have to speak of a significant decline: minus 4500 visitors, around 70 fewer exhibitor companies than in 2020. However, this trend was expected in advance, as after the announcement of the postponement, some well-known companies suspended their participation and April for many wine and fruit producers are already busy again. Nevertheless, it was a welcome opportunity for the companies involved to overcome the two-year corona lethargy and get back in physical contact with customers. As several operators unanimously believe, this was necessary in view of the uncertain price development in many areas.

read more (German)

Source: Obst- und Weinbau - Die Rote - Switzerland

April 28, 2022|

Benefit from the PIWI boom - podcast from the art of selling wine with Alexander Morandell

In diesem Interview spricht Diego mit dem derzeitigen Präsidenten von PIWI International und Rebveredler Alexander Morandell über das Vermarktungspotenzial der neuen Rebsorten und ihre ökonomischen und gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen auf den Weinbau.

April 2, 2022|


... or the mystery of fermentation

Source: Swiss Magazine for Fruit and Viticulture (SZOW)

Alcoholic fermentation has been known to man for thousands of years. But what lies behind it has only been sufficiently understood in the last two centuries. Andreas Kranz, author of the book "Craft Wine self-made: The big book of fruit wine production", shows what happens during fermentation and why it makes sense for yeast to poison themselves with alcohol.

In scientific nomenclature, baker's yeast, which pleases us with alcoholic fermentation and ensures that bread becomes fluffy, is called Saccharomyces cerevisiae designated. "Saccharomyces" comes from the Greek and literally means "sugar mushroom", "cerevisiae" is Latin and means "of beer". Systematically, it belongs to the Ascomycetes (sac fungi) and, together with the Basidiomycetes (pillar fungi: mushrooms and the like), is one of the higher fungi. Fungi are neither animals nor plants, yet they share characteristics of both. Like plants, they have a cell wall that differs significantly in its structure from the cell wall of plants. Like animals, they cannot photosynthesize, so they are unable to use sunlight as an energy source. But their cells have all the essential components of animal and plant cells: a real cell nucleus and various organelles. Thus, fungi, plant and animal cells belong to the so-called eukaryotes, on the other hand there are the simpler bacteria, also called prokaryotes. The processes within yeast cells are often similar to those of other eukaryotic cells in such a way that baker's yeast, which is easy to cultivate, has established itself as a model organism for so-called "higher cells". Ultimately, knowledge about the function of our cells goes back to research on yeasts.

Continue reading

January 28, 2022|

ETH Zurich viticulture survey 2022 for Swiss

Dear winemakers

We are pleased that you are taking part in this important survey. The survey focuses on your current and future assessments of viticulture in Switzerland. The survey will provide important insights for agricultural practice, extension services and research.

The aim of the study is to find out which factors influence farmers' decisions in terms of variety selection including fungus-resistant varieties, management choices, pest control strategies and distribution channels.

Answering the survey will only about 20-30 minutes take advantage of.

We will raffle among all participants who have completed the questionnaire in full 25 Landi vouchers worth CHF 50 each.

Thank you very much for your participation!

With kind regards,
Lucca Zachmann and Chloe McCallum (ETH Zurich)

If you have any questions, please contact: Lucca Zachmann
Agricultural Economics and Policy Group (AECP)
ETH Zurich

join here

January 28, 2022|

Practitioner days at the organic winery Roland and Karin Lenz in Uesslingen

On December 7th and 8th, 2021, the practical days took place at Roland and Karin Lenz's winery in Uesslingen TG. For the first time, PIWI CH was responsible for the implementation and Bio-Suisse generously sponsored the implementation.

The interest was huge, as there were a total of 95 registrations. The number of places was limited to 38 participants per day. So there was a big waiting list ... The program was the same on both days and had to be adjusted at short notice due to the corona. Not all speakers were able to travel to / from the event. The focus was on experience reports from the climatically difficult wine year 2021, information on the procedure for new varieties and, particularly exciting, the tasting of 33 different wines. The lively exchange on the PIWI varieties will continue after the successful event.

Here you can find the information from the practitioner days:

Info practitioner day 07/08. December 2021

And here is a report on the practitioner days in the “Red” – www.obstundweinbau.ch

Practical days at the Lenz winery


January 4, 2022|

PIWI varieties at a glance - results in the rainy year 2021

PIWI vines have been around for over a hundred years. Only a few were able to establish and hold onto. While the time of the regent seems to have expired, Léon Millot or Maréchal Foch are still being grown. But in times of ecological agriculture and climate change, more and more winegrowers are interested in new varieties that spring up like mushrooms. Piwi pioneer Edy Geiger provides an overview.

Source: DIE ROTE - Swiss journal for fruit and wine growing 13/2021

read on (PDF)

October 12, 2021|

How robust are PIWI vines?

The proportion of fungus-resistant grape varieties in Switzerland is 3%. Interest in them is growing steadily, and not just because of this year's capricious weather. The question arises: which varieties are best and how well are they protected against powdery mildew and downy mildew? PIWI pioneer Edy Geiger from Thal (SG) reveals his assessments below. They are supplemented by the perspective of Roman Baumann, who, together with his family in Turtmann (CVS), is growing a wide range of PIWI.

Source: DIE ROTE - Swiss journal for fruit and wine growing 13/2021

read on (PDF)

October 12, 2021|

2nd General Assembly in Hohenrain LU

The PIWI CH association met for its second general assembly at the BBZN Hohenrain. The trend is clear: tasks, members and areas are growing.

It was no coincidence that Central Switzerland was chosen as the venue for the general meeting. With a share of 35 percent, most of the Piwis are there, well above the Swiss average. Solaris, Johanniter, Divico, Cabernet Jura and Souvignier gris are in the top ten grape varieties. Before the AGM, the vineyards could be viewed by Josef Estermann from the BBZN (Vocational Training Center for Nature and Nutrition), winemaker Rafael Schacher and Thomas and Doris Roth, all in Hohenrain. The year 2021 was ideally suited to addressing downy mildew. The Piwi varieties looked very pleasing in this regard.

Corona-related restrictions
The association's activities were restricted due to the corona. Nevertheless, there was a tasting with world champion Marc Almert and the "Weinzeit" bulletin was published twice. The association was supported by the contributions of the members and by donations. President Roland Lenz was able to mention Bio Swiss and Delinat as important financiers. The membership grew to 100, 65 of whom are active. Nora Breitschmid from the organic winery Sitenrain in Meggen and Ruedi Meyer from the Meyer winery in St. Erhard were newly elected to the board. Both grow exclusively Piwi varieties. Meanwhile, Fredi Strasser was adopted. He is considered a pioneer and last year immortalized his visions in the book “Mushroom-Resistant Grape Varieties”. He will continue his work in the biodynamic winery "Stammberg".

The association hopes to be able to continue its growing tasks again. A tasting of Piwi wines in Wädenswil, a Wine & Dine in Hiltl Zurich, the Bio Swiss practitioner days and an appearance at the Agrovina with the Auer nursery are planned. The publication of the “PIWI Wein Zeit” association bulletin is also planned. Interested new members are always welcome, contact persons are President Roland Lenz in Uesslingen (info@weingut-lenz.ch) or actuary Daniel Schwarz (info@piwi-ch.ch). (© Beat Felder)

September 18, 2021|

Large PIWI dossier - varieties, wines and options in DIE ROTE - fruit and viticulture CH

Ganz in der Tugend der Zeitschrift DIE ROTE – Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, die seit 157 Jahren im Zeichen des Wissenstransfers steht, widmet sich DIE ROTE in der Ausgabe 08/2021 intensiv den PIWI-Sorten, zeigt ihre Möglichkeiten auf, aber verschweigt auch die Probleme nicht. Der PIWI-Anteil liegt im Moment in der Schweiz bei 3 %, aber man braucht kein Prophet sein, um zu orakeln, dass er nicht so tief bleiben wird.

Chefredakteur Markus Matzner

… weiterlesen ab Seite 8 (PDF 10 MB, Deutsch)

August 21, 2021|

I don't want to spray my vines! Interview with agronomist and organic pioneer Fredi Strasser

Fredi Strasser is considered a pioneer in PIWI viticulture and from an early age was inspired by the idea of not having to spray his vines. Following this ideal, he devoted his life to researching and cultivating fungus-resistant grape varieties and recorded his experiences and findings in the book Fungus-Resistant Grape Varieties.

Listen to the podcast with Daniel Bayer on Youtube

You can find more podcasts on the topic of PIWI at Daniel's www.wein-verhaben.de

PIWI book Fredi Strasser
August 3, 2021|
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