Dear members and PIWI enthusiasts,

we cordially invite you to our

Online general meeting 2024
on Monday March 18, 2024 at 6 p.m

The agenda for the general meeting, the new statutes and the rules of procedure will be sent to you by email.

Please send your requests and requests no later than Monday March 4th per email to

If you have any questions, please get in touch. We are looking forward to the general meeting to finally discuss ours Vote statutes and to be able to begin the realignment as an international association with a lot of enthusiasm.

Personally, we hope to see you at ours in August planned member trip to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Rattey Castle August 8th-10th) to meet, which will also be a delegate meeting. Registration details will follow in the next newsletter.

Best regards

Your board of PIWI International
represented by

Alexander Morandell


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