

The PIWI Germany association

Executive Board

headquarters of the association  PIWI Germany registered association
Andreas Dilger, Urachstrasse 3, 79102 Freiburg i.Br.

Become a Member

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Important appointments:

  • Cooperation with - benefit as a member of PIWI Germany.
    There is a cooperation between PIWI International and that aims to promote the association and its members on In this webinar, which lasts no more than 10 minutes, Utz Graafmann will show how you as a winery can benefit from this.
    To registration

  • Members’ trip to Rattey Castle and Poland – 10 – 12 August 2024
    Registration for the program is via:
  • You can find all other dates from PIWI DE and PIWI International in our Calendar

Our partners:

Latest News

First PIWI probiotic vineyard in Franconia

Jürgen Amthor, the owner of the 1st probiotic PIWI vineyard in Franconia, is happy about his grape harvest from the PIWI grape variety Cabernet Cortis. The grapes are healthy to 95% and have a very ripe and fruity aroma with a sugar content of 85 ° Oe. The acidity is also very harmonious.

November 9, 2021|

Fungal-resistant grape varieties (PIWI grape varieties) in the extreme downy mildew year 2021


Im Rahmen des Projektes VITIFIT lud die Naturland Fachberatung gemeinsam mit Weingütern zu drei Infoveranstaltungen zum Thema „Welche Leistungsfähigkeit haben pilzwiderstandsfähige Rebsorten (PIWI-Rebsorten) im Extremjahr 2021“ ein. Die Infoveranstaltungen richteten sich an interessierte Winzer*innen in der jeweiligen Region. Die erste Infoveranstaltung fand beim Weingut Roth im fränkischen Anbaugebiet statt, gefolgt von einer zweiten Veranstaltung beim Weingut Seck in Rheinhessen. Abgeschlossen wurde die Veranstaltungsreihe im Weingut Andreas Dilger direkt in Freiburg. Die Veranstaltungsorte wurden bewusst in verschiedene Anbauregionen gelegt, um einerseits die aktuelle Situation bzgl. der Peronospora-Infektionsentwicklung in den jeweiligen Anbauregionen direkt in Rebanlagen anschauen zu können und andererseits möglichst vielen Winzer*innen in unterschiedlichen Regionen die Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme anzubieten.

weiterlesen (PDF/deutsch)

September 1, 2021|

Large PIWI dossier - varieties, wines and options in DIE ROTE - fruit and viticulture CH

Ganz in der Tugend der Zeitschrift DIE ROTE – Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, die seit 157 Jahren im Zeichen des Wissenstransfers steht, widmet sich DIE ROTE in der Ausgabe 08/2021 intensiv den PIWI-Sorten, zeigt ihre Möglichkeiten auf, aber verschweigt auch die Probleme nicht. Der PIWI-Anteil liegt im Moment in der Schweiz bei 3 %, aber man braucht kein Prophet sein, um zu orakeln, dass er nicht so tief bleiben wird.

Chefredakteur Markus Matzner

… weiterlesen ab Seite 8 (PDF 10 MB, Deutsch)

August 21, 2021|

Best of Freiburg PIWIs 2021 results

Am Freitag den 30. Juli fand die Preisverleihung und Präsentation der besten Weine aus Freiburger Piwi Rebsorten. Die Urkunden wurden am „Staatlichen Weinbauinstitut Freiburg“ von Minister Peter Hauk MdL übergeben. Vor und nach der Preisverleihung hatten die Besucher die Möglichkeit die Gewinnerweine zu verkosten.

This year the Piwi Wine Prize of the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald was awarded for the first time. This prize was awarded to the company based in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district, whose wine achieved the highest number of points in the competition. We congratulate on it Daniel Feuerstein from the Feuerstein winery.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all winners!

Of course, there were also many members of Piwi Germany among the winners. You can find all results here.
Group picture award ceremony Freiburg

August 8, 2021|

Priener Weinberg: newly planted and blessed

The fruit and horticultural association Prien and the surrounding area has its own vineyard again.
... Christian Steinbichler, who, together with Gisela Wüstinger and Markus Pfeuffer, took over the main organization of the new planting, reminded us that the harvests in the previous vineyard years have been completely different. “The first planting was done with the intensive varieties Silvaner
and Müller-Thurgau, which also meant a high level of pesticide use. This time we are going a different way with the varieties Johanniter, Solaris and Bianca (white) as well as Nero (red) and other varieties. We selected these fungus-resistant varieties in close cooperation with experts and with the PIWI International association ”.

read on (Samerberger Nachrichten)

August 4, 2021|

Falstaff - PIWI Trophy 2021 - Results

Mushroom-resistant new breeds, so-called PiWis, often have strange names such as: Pinotin, Souvignier gris or Sauvignac. Stylistically, they are very similar to the European varieties, which have to be sprayed a lot more. The Falstaff tasting shows that exciting things happen!

More information:

or as PDF (3.6 MB):

Falstaff-PIWI tasting 2021 results

July 22, 2021|

First PIWI vineyard in Chiemgau

ChristianEingießen-Sylvia-Christian GesamtansichtGartenbauverein von Prien am Chiemsee pflanzt PIWI in St. Salvator

Auf dem Weinberg in St. Salvator sprießen seit einigen Wochen rund 100 Rebstöcke einer ganz besonderen Züchtung. In einer mehrstündigen Aktion pflanzten Mitglieder des Gartenbauvereins Prien und Umgebung pilzwiderstandsfähige PIWI-Rebsorten.

Solaris, Johanniter, Nero und Bianca heißen die Reben, die auf Initiative von Gisela Wüstinger in St. Salvator gepflanzt wurden. In Reih und Glied stehen die Rebstöcke seit Mitte Mai dank der Arbeit einer Handvoll Freiwilliger des Gartenbauvereins (GBV). Vor Jahren hatte der Verein an diesem Hang schon einmal einen Weinberg angelegt. „Massiver Mehltaubefall machte jedoch eine Rodung erforderlich“, ruft Christian Steinbichler, Baumwart des GBV, in Erinnerung und hofft durch die pilzresistenten Sorten jetzt auf einen ansehnlichen Ertrag.

Priener_Gartenbauverein_pflanzt_PIWI_in_St._Salvator   (PDF) German

June 21, 2021|

wine4future: Bergstrasse winemakers present a new label for sustainable viticulture

The Bergstrasse winemakers are introducing a special label for the robust grape varieties of the future. From now on, these varieties will be used for sustainable viticulture in the age of climate change with our label "wine4future" .

While grape varieties such as Riesling, Pinot Gris or Sauvignon Blanc are known to every wine drinker, the situation is different with the new so-called "PIWI" grape varieties such as Muscaris, Solaris and Souvignier Gris. They have names that many wine lovers do not yet know. Their marketing is therefore a major challenge. The term "PIWI" stands for pilzwiresilience. Classic grape varieties are dependent on pesticides (fungicides) against fungal diseases such as downy and real powdery mildew. Without regular use of these "repellants", both conventional and organic wine production from them is nowhere possible. The new robust grape varieties, however, hardly need these means, since resistance genes from wild grapes were crossed using traditional manual crossing techniques. This means that they are naturally more resistant to fungal diseases. It goes without saying that this is good for the environment. The application of fewer pesticides saves both working time and energy, as less fuel is required for the tractor. In addition, valuable vineyard soil is less burdened with passages and soil compaction. Because of their stronger growth, these varieties also require less fertilization. The environment is thus better protected overall and nature conserved. All of this means better CO2-Balance in regional viticulture. So far, so good, but the problem is that many wine lovers are not yet familiar with the new grape varieties and are hardly aware of the advantages.

Continue reading

Logo wine4future
June 4, 2021|

PIWI Wein: Viticulture without chemicals with resistant grape varieties By Daniel Bayer with Martin Darting-

PIWI wines are made from fungus-resistant grape varieties that, due to their special properties, have some great advantages.

In this first part of the interview we clarify the question of how PIWI varieties are bred, how they came about and what benefits we can derive from cultivation and vinification.

As an interlocutor for this episode has Martin Darting agreed to share his knowledge with us. He is known as a sensory expert, author, winemaker and speaker and has researched in this and many other areas for many years. As a consultant, lecturer and wine connoisseur, he is a true icon in his field and does not shy away from de-romanticizing the world of wine a little and drawing a clear dividing line between marketing and wine language.

Alternatively, listen to it on Youtube

Martin-Darting-Daniel Beyer
May 5, 2021|

"How lucky that Piwis exist"

BZ-INTERVIEW with Andreas Dilger about the new association PIWI Germany

FREIBURG REGION. Fungus-resistant grape varieties, so-called Piwis, are considered by experts to be the solution to many of the existing problems in the wine industry. In December, the association "Piwi Germany" was founded in Freiburg in order to promote its dissemination and to provide help to winemakers. Mario Schoneberg spoke to the founding chairman, Andreas Dilger, about the goals of the association and the idea of a more sustainable wine industry.

February 20, 2021|
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