

The PIWI Germany association

Executive Board

headquarters of the association  PIWI Germany registered association
Andreas Dilger, Urachstrasse 3, 79102 Freiburg i.Br.

Become a Member

Membership application download, fill in, print, sign and send send

Important appointments:

  • Cooperation with - benefit as a member of PIWI Germany.
    There is a cooperation between PIWI International and that aims to promote the association and its members on In this webinar, which lasts no more than 10 minutes, Utz Graafmann will show how you as a winery can benefit from this.
    To registration

  • Members’ trip to Rattey Castle and Poland – 10 – 12 August 2024
    Registration for the program is via:
  • You can find all other dates from PIWI DE and PIWI International in our Calendar

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Latest News

PIWI Germany receives sustainability award

Sustainability Award
Fungus-resistant grape varieties excellent
Sustainability award to PIWI Deutschland eV
The 2022 sustainability prize is awarded to the PIWI Deutschland eV association in the viticulture category. When making its decision, the jury of experts from research, consulting and practice examined the applications for their ecological, social and economic contribution to sustainability. Every year, the award goes to products, developments and services that support winegrowers in their sustainable management. The competition is organized by the Association of Former Oppenheimer Fachschulen (VEO), the Service Center for Rural Areas Rheinhessen-Nahe-Hunsrück (Oppenheim) and Rheinhessenwein eV (Alzey).

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April 2, 2022|

Geisenheim sales analysis

Die Geisenheimer digitale Absatzanalyse wertet die Absatzdaten von Weingütern, Kellereien und Genossenschaften aus, um den Betrieben einen Vergleich zu anderen Betrieben zu ermöglichen und der Branche zuverlässige Informationen zu geben. Die Daten sind geschützt. Niemand, außer den Teilnehmenden selbst, hat Zugang zu den eigenen Daten. Andere Betriebe sehen nur verrechnete, aggregierte Daten über viele Betriebe hinweg.

Es wird eine intuitiv verständliche, grafisch aufbereitete Analyse des eigenen Absatzes erstellt. Auch durch die Gegenüberstellung mit Vergleichsgruppen erhält man stets aktuellen Zugang zu Trends und Entwicklungen auf dem deutschen Weinmarkt.

Der Hauptfokus der Auswertung liegt auf folgenden Gebieten:

  • Absatzentwicklung, Absatzkanäle
  • Preissetzung und Entwicklung
  • Neukundengewinnung, Wiederkaufrate, Durchschnittsbon
  • Entwicklung der Rebsorten –  besonders wichtig für den Überblick des Absatzes an PIWI Weinen! Zum Geisenheimer Portal
March 11, 2022|

PIWIs rock the social networks

PIWI wines are becoming more and more popular and more and more friends of good, sustainable enjoyment are looking for ways to find out about PIWI grape varieties and wines. But where can I get which information? Where can I find out what's new?
The first step in doing this is certainly opting for the Newsletter Sign up from PIWI International and the second is on our channels Facebook, Instagram & Twitter to follow!
... of course, only a small selection of the highlights can be found here.

Wouldn't it be a shame if you missed out on all the exciting promotions and information from our dedicated members?


March 1, 2022|

The Piwis from Lake Constance - an interview with Benni Lanz

Benni Lanz ist Betriebsleiter des Weinguts Lanz in Nonnenhorn am Bodensee und gehört zu den jungen Winzern, die in der eher unbekannten Weinbauregion Bayerischer Bodensee neue Wege gehen. Schritt für Schritt krempelt er den elterlichen Hof vom landwirtschaftlichen Mischbetrieb zum biologisch arbeitenden Weingut um. Mit ungewöhnlichen Mitteln: In der klimatisch schwierigen Bodenseeregion setzt er konsequent auf pilzwiderstandsfähige Rebsorten (Piwis). Mit Verraten und Verkauft hat Benni über Klima, Boden, Vermarktung und Vorurteile gegenüber den neuen Rebsorten gesprochen.


Verraten und Verkauft: Benni, ihr habt schon früh mit der Weinlese begonnen, trotz der eher schwierigen Witterung dieses Jahr. Warum?

Benni: Solaris war dran. Weil Regen angesagt war, holten wir ihn schon früher.

Da sind wir schon an dem Punkt, der wahrscheinlich am häufigsten gefragt wird, wenn es ums Weingut Lanz geht: Den Piwi-Rebsorten. Liegt der frühe Lesebeginn an den pilzresistenten Rebsorten, die ihr gepflanzt habt?

Ja, das Pflanzen von Piwi-Rebsorten war für uns eine klimatisch-regionale Entscheidung. Wir haben hier am Bodensee häufig Pilzwetter. Es ist feucht und warm mit hohem Pilzdruck. In schwierigen Jahren haben wir dank der Piwis einen kleinen Vorsprung. Bei uns wird es auch dieses Jahr im Ertrag voraussichtlich nur eine kleine Delle nach unten geben.

February 24, 2022|

Shaping sustainable change in the wine industry – 64th International DWV Congress in April

“We would like to discuss in detail the aspects and measures for sustainable production and marketing in viticulture with the industry. The topic is very topical for our sector - not only the effects of climate change and the resulting extreme weather such as heavy rain, periods of drought or late frosts, but also the demand for a reduction in pesticides or dwindling resources draw the focus to the topic of sustainability. Current discussions in politics and society about the promotion of organic production or changes in marketing also require us to deal with this topic of change and sustainability. Of course, in addition to the ecological aspects, the economic and social aspects must not be forgotten!” says DWV Secretary General Christian Schwörer.

The congress will be held digitally from April 11th to 13th.

Registrations are expected to be available from March on the congress homepage at possible.

Excerpt from the program on 04/11/22

Cultivation acceptance: Breeding from a German perspective
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Toepfer, Julius Kühn Institute

Wine profiles from PiWi grape varieties - experiences from the perspective of an international winery
Ing. Roelof J. Visscher, Neerlandswijnmakerij, Bentelo, Netherlands

Consumer acceptance of PIWI grape varieties
Prof. Dr. Gergely Szolnoki, Hochschule Geisenim University

Zero Infinito - sustainability from the vineyard to the bottle - an international success
Mario Pojer, Faedo (TN), Italy

February 21, 2022|

69th Winter Conference of the Austrian Ecosocial Forum – Wine Industry Conference on February 2nd, 2022

The 69th Winter Conference of the Ecosocial Forum will take place from January 27th to February 3rd, 2022. With this year's general theme "Future thanks to origin? In the field of tension between global markets and regional supply”, a broad field of discussion opens up.

The specialist day of the wine industry will take place on February 2nd, 2022. In addition to a live webinar on the subject of "Location classification - the importance of origin for the wine industry", the media library contains numerous contributions on the two subject blocks "Resources in the wine industry - which challenges must be mastered regionally?" and "The future of viticulture? - Piwi wines in practice check" available for flexible viewing.

read more and register

more information below

January 28, 2022|

New and robust grape varieties for the Rheingau

January 18, 2022|

A look into the past...

100 years of viticulture in the southwest

Vines, wine and winegrowers shape the culture and landscape in the south-west. Rhineland-Palatinate and Baden-Württemberg are the home countries of German wine. In the consciousness of the people this is a significant factor. For the first time, a 90-minute television documentary reflects this comprehensively - with pictures and archive recordings, some of which are almost 100 years old. the SWR documentary also shows the once hard manual work of the winegrowers and the development of viticulture to this day.

January 18, 2022|

PIWI - wines on the red carpet: 189 winemakers and 443 wines in the spotlight at the PIWI Wine Award

Press release PIWI Deutschland e. V.  

PIWI - wines on the red carpet: 189 winemakers and 443 wines in the spotlight at PIWI Wine Award

Freiburg (Breisgau) / Großräschen (Lausitz), November 2021 -

The country needs new vines, but how do they taste and what is the quality? The young association PIWI Germany e. V. had not only called on its members, but also on all PIWI winegrowers in Germany to participate in the international PIWI wine award, known as the PIWI Wine Award since 2021.

With 170 award-winning wines, Germany is the most strongly represented wine country at the autumn tasting 2021. The variety of flavors at PIWIs is great and arouses curiosity about the 2020 vintage of the very different wine-growing regions of Germany from south to north, from west to east. Was evaluated after PAR®-System (*). The medals large gold, gold or silver in connection with the points is on the one hand a valuable orientation for the consumer. After all, he can draw conclusions about the quality of the new varieties, which are mostly unknown to him, by evaluating them. The knowledge of wine consumers regarding the "quality pyramid" is not always applicable to PIWI wines, especially for wines from new vineyards that are not located in one of the 13 specific wine-growing areas, the term quality wine may not be labeled and there are also no regional wine awards.


November 29, 2021|

PIWI in practice - 3 workshops in summer 2021

This summer, the Naturland specialist advisory service invited to three workshops under the motto “What is the productivity of fungus-resistant grape varieties?”.  Vine & Wine was there.

In August, numerous winegrowers from the region met at the Roth winery in Wiesenbronn to participate in the VitiFit project to exchange experiences in the Piwi cultivation. In the special downy mildew year of 2021, the strengths, but also the weaknesses of these grape varieties could be analyzed in the best possible way.

Continue reading   (PDF, German)

November 18, 2021|
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