Published on April 24, 2020

Categories: Allgemein

Article by Martin Ladach, DLR Rheinpfalz in "the German winegrowing 3/20"

Vine breeding - New, robust grape varieties not only save pesticides, but are also an answer to climate change.

Investigated grape varieties:
Sauvignac - Cabernet blanc - Calardis blanc - Muscaris - Satin Noir
Weather history 2019 - maturity course 2019 - yield data 2019 ...

Conclusion: The performance data of the new varieties are convincing. Above all, the stable state of health in the maturity phase is of great advantage. In comparison to the classic grape varieties, putrefaction only becomes a threat much later (two to three weeks), so it can be waited much longer to harvest. All in all a good starting point. It remains exciting to compare the results of the wines that will follow soon and of course to taste them.