Published on September 22, 2020

In Buchheim, experts will discuss the advantages and marketing of fungus-resistant grape varieties / cuvées as an opportunity

Friedline Gurr-Hirsch, State Secretary in the Ministry for Rural Areas, discussed Piwis with wine professionals at the Marcher Schill-Hof
Extract from the article:
Less crop protection, less work: Despite many advantages, “Piwis”, ie fungus-resistant grape varieties, still lead a niche existence. Winegrowers from the Freiburg region want to change that.

Plant protection in the country is to be reduced by 2030

At the end of the tasting, State Secretary Gurr-Hirsch stated that the Piwis actually fit perfectly into the country's self-set goal of significantly reducing plant protection by 2030. Unfortunately, the area planted with them is still very manageable, although the new varieties have been an issue for a long time. But with climate change, they came back into focus. Gurr-Hirsch, who was German Wine Queen in 1976/77, also sees opportunities for Piwis in the changed drinking behavior of the younger generation in particular and the current mood of consumers towards more regionality.

But now it is important to convince the consumers, but also the cellar masters of the large cooperatives, of the advantages. With the additional benefits of the more robust varieties, the feeling of doing something good and enjoying high-quality wine, this could be achieved, says the member of the state parliament. For this, among other things, thinking in terms of single-origin marketing would have to be overcome - those present agreed on this.

Source: Badische Zeitung by Mario Schöneberg