Published on 22 October 2020

This year's PiWi grape harvest is almost completely over in many European countries. We asked our regional contact persons and vintners at PIWI International about the challenges of this year's harvest and the 2020 vintage and give you an insight into the different countries, today from Germany
Katja and Ansgar Galler from Galler winery: “The harvest in the Palatinate ended earlier than ever in 2020. A hot spell in the middle of September with temperatures above 30 ° C meant that we took a final spurt and brought our last grapes home on September 30th. All grape varieties could use the sun's rays until the end and then be brought to the cellar in top health with high quality. You can already look forward to the delicious drops !! "
Anja Gemmrich from Gemmrich Winery & Distillery: “An exciting year & an exciting autumn. After a night of frost in late spring and the hot summer, we have an estimated 65 % less yield than in other years. In some locations we even had over 70 % failures, especially the location of our white Piwis was unfortunately hit hard. Nevertheless we are happy about the little autumn. In summer temperatures we started the harvest and were happy every day about beautiful, loose picture book grapes, with great qualities. That is why we are already looking forward to the aromatic and fruity wines that 2020 has produced. "

Many thanks to @weingutgaller and @weingut_edelbrennerei_gemmrich for these exciting insights!

 Ansgar Galler at the PiWi harvest 2020
Vintage 2020-Ansgar Galler