Published on June 4, 2021
The Bergstrasse winemakers are introducing a special label for the robust grape varieties of the future. From now on, these varieties will be used for sustainable viticulture in the age of climate change with our label "wine4future" .
While grape varieties such as Riesling, Pinot Gris or Sauvignon Blanc are known to every wine drinker, the situation is different with the new so-called "PIWI" grape varieties such as Muscaris, Solaris and Souvignier Gris. They have names that many wine lovers do not yet know. Their marketing is therefore a major challenge. The term "PIWI" stands for pilzwiresilience. Classic grape varieties are dependent on pesticides (fungicides) against fungal diseases such as downy and real powdery mildew. Without regular use of these "repellants", both conventional and organic wine production from them is nowhere possible. The new robust grape varieties, however, hardly need these means, since resistance genes from wild grapes were crossed using traditional manual crossing techniques. This means that they are naturally more resistant to fungal diseases. It goes without saying that this is good for the environment. The application of fewer pesticides saves both working time and energy, as less fuel is required for the tractor. In addition, valuable vineyard soil is less burdened with passages and soil compaction. Because of their stronger growth, these varieties also require less fertilization. The environment is thus better protected overall and nature conserved. All of this means better CO2-Balance in regional viticulture. So far, so good, but the problem is that many wine lovers are not yet familiar with the new grape varieties and are hardly aware of the advantages.