SITEVI, the largest wine and fruit growing fair in the world, in Montpellier (F). Thousands of visitors insisted on traveling to the south of France despite the threat of corona. The international industry was excited about groundbreaking and innovative highlights. However, they were rather few and far between.
Of the total of 35 nominated products and services, eight were awarded a bronze medal, six a silver and two a gold medal. They served roughly two categories: Either it was innovative further developments or inventions on the one hand, and digital applications, problem solutions or optimizations on the other.
The first category included, for example, one made from tulip petals and therefore ecologically sustainable wine label paper (, a fully automatic nutcracker machine ( or, in a broader sense, the new Kissabel apple brand, the pulp of which is red-colored, which takes some getting used to ( The second category includes various software and hardware developments. Significantly, the two gold winners also belonged to this distinction (see red box below).
Amphora from the 3D printer
It also works without CO2
The Dutch-British agricultural machinery manufacturer "New Holland" (to which the Fiat group also belongs) presented a pioneering drive technology in viticulture with its new TK4 Methane Power crawler tractor