Published on March 28, 2022

Categories: Allgemein, Italien

It is probably the most expensive wine made from fungus-resistant grape varieties in the world. A bottle of Nicola Biasi's Vin de la Neu costs over €100.
that of the 0.1 hectares in Trentino is rare.

There are apple trees in the Val di Non in Trentino. A lot of apple trees. Nicola Biasi only grows Johanniter on just 0.1 ha at 832 meters above sea level. He fills between 300 and 500 bottles every year. Biasi has been cultivating the PIWIs since 2012. The first harvest of Vin de la Neu was brought in on October 12th, 2013. With his Johanniter, Nicola Biasi proves that top-quality wines can also be made from PIWI grape varieties.

Source: Adriana Cartolano - Wine + Market

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