
How robust are PIWI vines?

The proportion of fungus-resistant grape varieties in Switzerland is 3%. Interest in them is growing steadily, and not just because of this year's capricious weather. The question arises: which varieties are best and how well are they protected against powdery mildew and downy mildew? PIWI pioneer Edy Geiger from Thal (SG) reveals his assessments below. They are supplemented by the perspective of Roman Baumann, who, together with his family in Turtmann (CVS), is growing a wide range of PIWI.

Source: DIE ROTE - Swiss journal for fruit and wine growing 13/2021

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October 12, 2021|

PIWI food summit in Vienna a complete success

PIWI wine tastingFor the first time, the PIWI Austria association hosted the PIWI food summit in downtown Vienna. Ten
Wineries from Austria presented their wines on September 8, 2021, which are among the best in the
this year's wine competition "New / Innovative Grape Varieties" count. The "Labstelle" restaurant
not only offered a worthy setting, but also excellent service. Numerous
Interested guests could try the excellent wines of the Austrian PIWI scene
and get detailed information about PIWI grape varieties. Embedded in the audience tasting
The winning companies were also honored and the certificates and trophies were handed over

read more - PIWI Kostgipfel in Vienna_2021

September 13, 2021|

The PIWI varieties registered in the Italian National Register

September 1, 2021|

Discussion about PIWI varieties and their tasting in the Czech Variety Office on August 16, 2021

Jiri Sedlo

ÚKZÚZ (Central Institute for Supervision and Testing in Agriculture), in particular the Director of the Crop Production Department DI Jiří Urban, organized a conference on PIWI grape varieties in the Czech Republic on August 16, 2021 followed by a tasting, to which he attended over thirty people invited. Winemakers who presented their own PIWI wine tastings also took part in the meeting and tasting. Most of the samples presented came from the cellar of the ÚKZÚZ and from the Vinselekt Michlovský company. The meeting was initiated by a lecture by Doz. Miloš Michlovský, dr. hc, who presented the recent history, present and possible future of the breeding of PIWI varieties, which previously took place in Resistant Velké Bílovice and later in Vinselekt Michlovský.

The specialist lecture was very interesting for the participants and the discussion about the future of interspecific grape varieties in the Czech Republic was very lively. Active participants included Dr. Václav Hlaváček, Vice President of the Chamber of Agriculture of the Czech Republic and Chairman of the South Moravian Chamber of Agriculture, as well as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Viticulture Association of the Czech Republic, Member of the Board of PIWI International and Chairman of PIWI CZ DI František Mádl, Vice President of PIWI International Dr. Jiří Sedlo, director of the Valtice Higher Viticulture School DI Tomáš Javůrek, Prof. Dr. Pavel Pavloušek, from the Institute of Viticulture and Oenology of the Mendel University in Brno, Director of Znovín Znojmo, AG DI Pavel Vajčner, emeritus director ÚKZÚZ Dr. Jaroslav Staňa, and many others. A total of about 40 wine tastings were presented.

After a lengthy discussion, the participants came to the following conclusions:

  • The Czech Republic has a long tradition of breeding varieties, the origins of which can be traced back to the founder of genetics, GJ Mendel.
  • For the further development of viticulture in the Czech Republic, it is necessary to support new, already approved varieties that are more resistant to fungal diseases, above all by promoting their cultivation, but also by selling the wines made from them. This is in line with the goals that the EU has set for the future. With conventional varieties, the CO2 footprint of the wine will always be higher, regardless of the pesticide residues, and the quality of the organic wine will only be comparable with the new PIWI varieties. Compared to most agricultural crops, the vines are ready for greening thanks to more resistant varieties, but it is necessary to encourage the exchange of some varieties. The proportion of PIWI varieties in the vineyards of the Czech Republic (4.1 %) is one of the highest in Europe.

  • The support for PIWI varieties should be seen as "jump-start" in the early years of the EU's new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Once the benefits of these new varieties are proven and their wines have established themselves in the market, they will no longer be needed because the PIWI varieties will then be competitive.

  • This support should also be introduced for other crops within the framework of the new CAP (Common Agricultural Policy of the EU), outside the budgets of the existing CMO (EU Common Market Organization), for individual agricultural products. This means that farmers are entitled to support under clear EU-wide rules, outside the CMO but within the CAP as an additional cost for the introduction of the new CAP, in return for the restriction of farmers to organic farming.

The Ministry of Agriculture as well as the European Commission and the European Parliament should be asked to achieve these goals as soon as possible.

Further information on the PIWI varieties: Ing.Fantišek Mádl,,

Photo: Část účastníků jednání

PIWI degustace JS

August 21, 2021|

Large PIWI dossier - varieties, wines and options in DIE ROTE - fruit and viticulture CH

Ganz in der Tugend der Zeitschrift DIE ROTE – Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, die seit 157 Jahren im Zeichen des Wissenstransfers steht, widmet sich DIE ROTE in der Ausgabe 08/2021 intensiv den PIWI-Sorten, zeigt ihre Möglichkeiten auf, aber verschweigt auch die Probleme nicht. Der PIWI-Anteil liegt im Moment in der Schweiz bei 3 %, aber man braucht kein Prophet sein, um zu orakeln, dass er nicht so tief bleiben wird.

Chefredakteur Markus Matzner

… weiterlesen ab Seite 8 (PDF 10 MB, Deutsch)

August 21, 2021|

I don't want to spray my vines! Interview with agronomist and organic pioneer Fredi Strasser

Fredi Strasser is considered a pioneer in PIWI viticulture and from an early age was inspired by the idea of not having to spray his vines. Following this ideal, he devoted his life to researching and cultivating fungus-resistant grape varieties and recorded his experiences and findings in the book Fungus-Resistant Grape Varieties.

Listen to the podcast with Daniel Bayer on Youtube

You can find more podcasts on the topic of PIWI at Daniel's

PIWI book Fredi Strasser
August 3, 2021|

Competition PIWI Austria - New / innovative grape varieties

Several Surprises!

The continuous rise of PIWI plantings is represented in this year’s risen numbers of
applicants for the Austrian PIWI wine contest for new and innovative grape varieties. Not
only known areas for producing wine have competed but also the area Bergland of Austria
is starting to strongly mix it up within the PIWI scene

July 26, 2021|

Falstaff - PIWI Trophy 2021 - Results

Mushroom-resistant new breeds, so-called PiWis, often have strange names such as: Pinotin, Souvignier gris or Sauvignac. Stylistically, they are very similar to the European varieties, which have to be sprayed a lot more. The Falstaff tasting shows that exciting things happen!

More information:

or as PDF (3.6 MB):

Falstaff-PIWI tasting 2021 results

July 22, 2021|


Press release: WINE SYSTEM - Trust Your Senses

First competition after extensive re-branding: WINE SYSTEM invites you to the autumn edition of the ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL

New look, new name, new date: The PAR® tasting will take place from October 1st to 4th, 2021, the registration deadline is August 27th.

Frasdorf, July 2021 - With a new brand identity and unbroken enthusiasm for the heart of wine and sensor technology, WINE SYSTEM - Trust your Senses is inviting you to the 14th ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL, as the international organic wine award, which is well known in the industry, is now uniformly called for all countries. A total of four tasting days are scheduled for the autumn edition, because after the recent sharp rise in participation numbers, the jury wants to ensure in October that the PAR®'s own high standards are guaranteed. It is still unclear whether the competition will be the first since the beginning of the pandemic to take place in attendance *). Regardless of the framework, participants can rely on the usual objectivity, transparency and comprehensibility of the qualitative assessments. Every organic wine submitted is given the appreciation it deserves - in the form of an evaluation that goes beyond trends and norms. The basis is the product, its origin and individual design.

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July 18, 2021|

First PIWI vineyard in Chiemgau

ChristianEingießen-Sylvia-Christian GesamtansichtGartenbauverein von Prien am Chiemsee pflanzt PIWI in St. Salvator

Auf dem Weinberg in St. Salvator sprießen seit einigen Wochen rund 100 Rebstöcke einer ganz besonderen Züchtung. In einer mehrstündigen Aktion pflanzten Mitglieder des Gartenbauvereins Prien und Umgebung pilzwiderstandsfähige PIWI-Rebsorten.

Solaris, Johanniter, Nero und Bianca heißen die Reben, die auf Initiative von Gisela Wüstinger in St. Salvator gepflanzt wurden. In Reih und Glied stehen die Rebstöcke seit Mitte Mai dank der Arbeit einer Handvoll Freiwilliger des Gartenbauvereins (GBV). Vor Jahren hatte der Verein an diesem Hang schon einmal einen Weinberg angelegt. „Massiver Mehltaubefall machte jedoch eine Rodung erforderlich“, ruft Christian Steinbichler, Baumwart des GBV, in Erinnerung und hofft durch die pilzresistenten Sorten jetzt auf einen ansehnlichen Ertrag.

Priener_Gartenbauverein_pflanzt_PIWI_in_St._Salvator   (PDF) German

June 21, 2021|

Mushroom-resistant grape varieties have many advantages -

 - but winemakers and consumers are critical of them.

Source: May 20, 2021 by Raffaella Usai - Wein-plus

When they hear the name “Piwi” wines, many wine connoisseurs turn up their noses quickly. Because so far very few have tried good or even excellent wines made from fungus-resistant varieties. Good for the environment, yes, but also good for the palate? The list of prejudices is long. Piwis are a complex topic that requires courage and curiosity from producers and connoisseurs.

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June 20, 2021|

First meeting of the new regional group PIWI CZ (Czech Republic)

On June 8, 2021, the first face-to-face meeting of the members of the PIWI CZ regional group, which will operate within the organizational structure of the Viticulture Association of the Czech Republic, took place in Velké Bílovice.

The group was founded in March of this year, the founding declaration was signed by 8 founding members and approved by the board of the Viticulture Association. This act was a continuation of the activities of the Mendel University in Brno and the Science and Production Association Resistant Velké Bílovice, which began in 1986 with the first planting of experimental vineyards with PIWI varieties, mainly bred in Hungary, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia and Germany , started.


June 15, 2021|
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