
Fungus-resistant grape varieties - the new PIWI book

Caring for vines organically, enjoying pure natural wine - the PIWI book    PIWI Book Strasser Cover
  • Big on the rise: ecological viticulture with fungus-resistant grape varieties (PIWI varieties).
  • The book by PIWI pioneers Fredi Strasser and Franziska Löpfke, Willimann Jürg (photographer)

ISBN: 978-3-258-08187-8

August 31, 2020|

Freiburg Grape Variety and Clone Day on September 3rd, 2020

on the Blankenhornsberg in Ihringen.
The process will be as follows:

9:00 a.m. Guided tour of the facilities with:
- fungus-resistant white and red wine varieties
- Minimal cut system
- Cloning of standard grape varieties
- Viticultural experiments: - Working under the vines

- Canopy management 12:00 noon small snack (butter pretzels)

1:00 p.m. open wine tasting on the topics from the morning (schedule depends on the corona situation)


August 25, 2020|

Invitation grape variety days 25.08.-02.09.2020 Rebschule Freytag

Freytag grape variety days

Despite the special circumstances in this extraordinary year, we would like to hold our information event on the subject of variety of grape varieties again. The event will be held on August 25th to September 2nd, 2020 occur.

We would like to invite you to visit, taste and have good conversations!

In order to get to know the grape varieties and clones, we will arrange field visits in small groups. Afterwards you will be able to convince yourself of the taste of the new varieties during a wine tasting - with a sufficient distance between them.


July 27, 2020|

Biodiversity hike and 1st general meeting PIWI CH

President Roland Renz
The PIWIs are coming ...

On Tuesday, June 30, 2020, almost 60 people met at the Roland organic wine estate and Karin Lenz on the Iselisberg in Uesslingen. The PIWI CH association, founded in December 19, invited to the first general meeting.

In beautiful summer weather, those present set off on a hike through the vineyards of Uesslingen in the lower Thur Valley (TG). Various stops were made on the way. The enthusiastic organic and PIWI winemaker Roland Lenz (two-time organic winemaker in Switzerland) drew attention to the different vineyards and types of viticulture. In an organic farm, a lot of flowers and herbs, sometimes shrubs, grow between the rows to offer beneficial species a home. FIBL's Bea Steinemann reports on the latest attempts to optimize the seed mix between the rows of vines. The hikers also become aware of the differences between European vines and the newly cultivated PIWI varieties (PIWI stands for fungus-resistant and means “robust in cultivation”, ie little to no spraying against pests and diseases has to be carried out). Of particular interest were the references to missing rows of vines in favor of shrubs, the distance to the next trees or the additional insect hotels, all to promote biodiversity.

Back at the Lenz winery, the hikers were happy about the water break before the actual general meeting began. The PIWI CH association was founded last December as a regional section of the PIWI International umbrella organization. The association's goal is to promote PIWI grape varieties in breeding, cultivation, marketing and enjoyment. The association's activities such as participation in the Agrovina or a planned wine and dine in the well-known Hiltl restaurant in Zurich serve exclusively with PIWI wines with certain new taste experiences. The association also publishes the "PIWI WEIN ZEIT" brochure. The readers are connoisseurs and interested individuals, restaurateurs, traders, winegrowers, breeders and journalists. The first edition of March this year was one of the highlights in President Roland Lenz's activity report for the first half of the year. The meeting was characterized by many votes from the members who participate with commitment in the association.

After the official part, the attendees were able to taste and discuss over 40 different pure PIWI wines. These include various new varieties that only have breeding names, such as VB CAL 1-28 or VB CAL 32-7.

Media contact:

President Roland Lenz
Organic winery Roland and Karin Lenz, Iselisberg, Uesslingen / +41 52 746 13 86

Daniel Schwarz


Board PIWI CH at the general meeting

July 6, 2020|

The PIWI Sauvitage variety is approved.

Since April 28, 2020, the mushroom-resistant grape variety Sauvitage has been approved by the Federal Plant Variety Office under seed law. This variety is therefore also approved for the production of quality wine in all growing areas in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Source: The German Wine Magazine 6/2020

June 17, 2020|

Best of Freiburg Piwi 2020

FreiburgerPIWIThe "Best of Freiburg Piwi" event will also take place this year. However, due to the corona pandemic, in a slightly different form as usual.
The public tasting and the official announcement of the placement of the wines must be dropped.

The selected wines will be tasted and evaluated objectively by a selected jury on July 7th, 2020.

Registration by June 22nd - Wine delivery by June 26th, 2020

State Wine Institute Freiburg

June 16, 2020|

"A new PIWI-star is born" - PIWI-CH was founded

"And there is this moment when you feel that you are in the right place at the right time" ...
(Roland Lenz)Logo-PIWI-CH

Yes, the time to express our enthusiasm for the new robust grape varieties could not be a better one! The PIWIs suddenly focus on the latest topics such as species loss, global warming, the call for more sustainable agriculture, or the search for a long-term solution to the pesticide problem!

And best of all: the wines from these robust varieties have become absolutely socially acceptable!
PIWI wines provide positive wow experiences, especially for younger consumers. And more and more restaurateurs, journalists and curious connoisseurs are discovering the associated new flavors.

Yes, we can make a lasting, positive change to the global wine scene! And the
not only because PIWI's grape production is more compatible with the CO2 and more environmentally friendly.
No, also because enjoying these new creative wines is simply fun and demands more!

With this in mind, our 9th regional group was founded at the beginning of the year: PIWI-CH
More information on this at the Regional site PIWI Switzerland
PIWI wine time March 2020
The first PIWI newspaper deserves special mention: Wein Zeit - enjoy reading.

May 14, 2020|

Comparison of new varieties - vine cultivation

Article by Martin Ladach, DLR Rheinpfalz in "the German winegrowing 3/20"

Vine breeding - New, robust grape varieties not only save pesticides, but are also an answer to climate change.

Investigated grape varieties:
Sauvignac - Cabernet blanc - Calardis blanc - Muscaris - Satin Noir
Weather history 2019 - maturity course 2019 - yield data 2019 ...

Conclusion: The performance data of the new varieties are convincing. Above all, the stable state of health in the maturity phase is of great advantage. In comparison to the classic grape varieties, putrefaction only becomes a threat much later (two to three weeks), so it can be waited much longer to harvest. All in all a good starting point. It remains exciting to compare the results of the wines that will follow soon and of course to taste them.

April 24, 2020|

Calardis blanc approved!

As the DLR RNH reports, the grape variety is Calardis Blanc Approved under seed law by the Federal Plant Variety Office since March 25, 2020. This means that this variety is approved for the production of quality wine in all of Rhineland-Palatinate growing areas. There is no longer a need to submit a test application for their cultivation and the planting area is not limited.

The first test was the new breed from the Institute for Vine Breeding Geilweilerhof of the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) passed in January 2018 when it was granted plant variety protection by the Bundessortenamt. In the second test stage, which now resulted in the entry in the list of varieties, a detailed characterization of the viticultural properties and the quality properties was carried out. The name Calardis is derived from Calardiswilre or Gailhardiswilre, the historical name for the Geilweilerhof.

The white wine variety Calardis Blanc combines various resistances to powdery mildew and downy mildew as well as black rot with excellent cultivation properties. In terms of viticulture, it is uncomplicated with upright growth and good resistance properties. According to the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI), the wine is characterized by a finesse-rich aroma of exotic fruits and a fine, spicy bouquet. Due to its tangy acidity, the variety is also very suitable as a base wine for sparkling wine.

The maturity of the new grape variety is about a week before Riesling. It is therefore classified as a medium-late variety, which suits the winemakers who start harvesting earlier and earlier in times of climate change. In Rhineland-Palatinate, Calardis Blanc has so far been grown on 3.8 hectares (as of 1/2020). -jb-

March 30, 2020|

PIWI - straw fire or sustainable concept

Interest in mushroom-resistant grape varieties (PIWI) is still high and vine production is booming. The first successes are seen in the sale of some interesting varieties. But can this concept be of sustainable existence?

by Ing. Wolfgang Renner, Trial station fruit and wine growing Haidegg

Article published in FRUIT - WINE - GARDEN, Issue 1/2020

PIWI finishing Austria

Share of PIWI refinements

March 1, 2020|

New varieties, new ways, new opportunities - PIWI-Forum 2019 at Heilbronn University

Articles by Dr. Lucas Nesselhauf in German wine magazine

New varieties

  • Education with minimal cut in the trellis
  • in marketing - emotions sell wine
  • from the perspective of the vine growers

Successful concepts for new varieties

Conclusion: There is not a solution for everyone, but there is a solution for everyone.

December 21, 2019|

Plea for PIWIs - wines with a future

Report in the magazine BIO Aktuell

  • PIWI symposium in Switzerland
  • Organic winemaker Roland Lenz
  • Pioneer Valentin Blattner

René Schulte, editor of BIO Aktuell:

“PIWIs could not only be the future of organic viticulture, they are also of high quality. So skeptics like me should give them a chance. ”

August 31, 2019|
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