2nd General Assembly in Hohenrain LU
The PIWI CH association met [...]
The PIWI CH association met [...]
Thne 13. 9. 2021 proběhlo v Lednici na Mendelově univerzitě Brno, Zahradnické facultě v Lednici od 9:30 am to 12:30 pm první setkání regionálního sdružení PIWI CZ. Ústav vinohradnictví a vinařství ZF v rámci [...]
For the first time, the PIWI Austria association hosted the PIWI food summit in downtown Vienna. Ten
Austrian wineries presented on September 8th [...]
As part of the VITIFIT project, Naturland consultancy invited wineries to three information events on the subject of “What is the productivity of fungus-resistant grape varieties (PIWI grape varieties) in the extreme year 2021”. The information events were held [...]
There are now 37 varieties in the Italian national register that correspond to PIWI varieties that are registered for wine production alongside Isabella and Noah. Isabelle and Noah can only be used for distillation [...]
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