
PIWI areas in Germany

Text: Barbara Richter (M.Sc.), Andreas Stutz, Sabrina Stutz – Source: German winegrowing 9/2024

PIWIS – How the vineyards of the individual varieties have developed.

In Germany, in 2022, a total of [...]

Vision Mosel – a new PIWI movement...

Our vision…

We are an association of wine-growing companies from the Moselle that are involved in the cultivation and development of new, robust grape varieties.

The way…

we would like [...]

World of flavors at PIWIs

SENSORIK Aroma profiles of wines made from PIWI grape varieties as a marketing aid and means of increasing acceptance.

Text and illustrations: Angus Price, Prof. Dr. Gergely Szolnoki and M.Sc. Barbara Richter, Geisenheim University
Source: the german wine industry 21/2023

Wine, [...]

Development of PIWI vineyards in Germany

PIWIS – current status of the vineyards and significance of the individual varieties.

Text: Barbara Richter (M.Sc.), Geisenheim University; Andreas Stutz, Sabrina Stutz
Source: the german wine industry 13/2023

In ddw 10/2022 there were already eight white ones [...]

Portrait of red PIWIs

... Cultivation suitability, grape variety characteristics and taste profiles of selected red PIWI grape varieties.

Source: the german wine industry 24/2022


Katrin Lang visits PIWI International Wine Challenge

Source: German Wine Queen – News


“The topic of PIWIs and sustainable viticulture has been occupying the German wine nation for several years: Even at the international level, wine producers are planting more and more robust grape varieties [...]

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